


China and international adjudication

China aims to become a “leader country” in international law that “guides” the international legal order. Delivering the first comprehensive analysis of case law and Chinese academic debates from 2002 to 2018, this book shows that gradually increased engagement with international adjudication is part of a broad effort to consolidate China’s economic and political gains, and regain great power status. It covers trade, investment, territorial and law of the sea matters – including the South China Sea disputes – and delineates a decades-long process between caution and ambition. Both in debate patterns and in actual engagement, this book finds remarkable similarities in all covered fields of law, merely the timetables differ.

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China-Russia Relations in Central Asia

As China rises to global power status, its relations with other major powers, including Russia, are constantly renegotiated. Energy figures prominently in both countries’ foreign policy. An extensive analysis of Chinese language sources – academic debate 1997-2012 – confirms a collision of interests over Central Asian reserves. While unanimous appeals to compromise render previous predictions of impending confrontation unconvincing, descriptions of Sino-Central Asian energy relations as “central to energy security”, and the explicit rejection of a Russian “sphere of influence”, also exclude a retreat. In the long term, China will likely replace Russia as the dominant force in Central Asia’s energy sector, causing the Kremlin to perceive another “encroachment”. The current notion of a “strategic partnership” will inevitably be challenged.

Commissioned studies

  • ‘EU-China energy investment opportunities and conditions’, July 2021, 40 pages [for the European Commission, DG ENER]

  • ‘Greening the Belt and Road: Action points for Western-based foundations’, December 2019, 12 pages [for the MacArthur Foundation].

  • ‘Making sense of China’s growing economic and political footprint in Noord-Brabant’, October 2019, 38 pages [for the Province of Noord-Brabant, Netherlands].

(Policy) Journal articles

Think tank studies and working papers

Further short publications

Conference papers

  • ‘Sino-Russian Alignment and the Central Asia Factor’, Central Eurasian Studies Society – Annual Conference, Princeton, 11/2016.

  • ‘From Isolation to Engagement - (Potential) PRC International Dispute Resolution Practice in Economic and Territorial Disputes’, Asian Society of International Law – Biennial Conference, Bangkok, 11/2015.

  • ‘Chinese Academic Discourse on International Dispute Resolution and Sovereignty in Trade and Investment Disputes’, European China Law Studies Association – Annual Conference, Cologne, 10/2015.

Book chapters

  • ‘Part One – The Legal Structures of Ombudsman and Similar Public Institutions in Asia – A Legal Comparative Analysis’, ‘China’ (and other chapters), in Kriebaum/Kucsko-Stadlmayer (eds.), Asian Ombudsman Institutions, Vienna: Verlag Österreich, 2016.

  • ‘“Harmonious Arbitration”. ADR with Chinese Characteristics’, in Kaminski (ed.), Neues vom chinesischen Recht, Vienna: ÖGCF, 2014.