Our services.



Both political and economic decision-makers increasingly need specific support on understanding China’s foreign policy, its ambitions and strategy, and how they impact international relations and risk calculations worldwide. To help your organization get ahead on these issues, Dr. Eder offers:

·      Consulting services

·      Written analyses

·      Lectures and presentations


Areas of work

At the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin, where he worked from 2016 to 2020, Thomas Eder led work on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). He helped build a project-level database, wrote analyses, and frequently consulted and lectured on the strategy behind and implementation of the BRI. These efforts covered trends in geographical and sectoral distribution, funding structures and key implementing companies, also with a view to opportunities for non-Chinese companies.

Building on more than a decade of research, Dr. Eder also works on China’s crucial relationship with Russia, and its growing presence from Central Asia to Central and Eastern Europe. Previous focal points have been energy security and critical infrastructure, investment and trade, as well as security provision along the BRI, always in the context of geopolitical considerations and implications for Europe.


A further area of expertise is China & international law, where Dr. Eder can provide support on questions of trade and investment law, the law of the sea, and international adjudication. Previous work addressed China’s behavior as an actor in international law and adjudication, Chinese elite debates on engagement with international law, and accumulating case law reflecting China’s actual participation at international courts and arbitration.

Previous clients

  • European Commission (DG ENER)

  • During Thomas Eder’s tenure with MERICS: MacArthur Foundation, Province of Noord-Brabant (NL), Business Circle (AT) (with Deutsche Bahn and ÖBB), Airbus, Credendo, Kühne + Nagel University, Bavarian State Government, Federal Academy for Security Policy (GER), Austrian Chamber of Commerce